How to Prevent Allergies With Air Filtration Systems

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Winter in Minnesota means a lot more than just cranking up the heat to keep the cold at bay; it can mean the buildup of allergens in your home aggravating your allergy symptoms. With windows shut to keep out the cold, natural air circulation is low, causing pollutants such as dust, dust mites, and animal dander to accumulate. No one wants to live in misery due to allergy problems or, even worse, have to get rid of their pets, so what are your options to reduce allergies?

For those with mild to moderate allergies, upgrading your home air filtration system is the perfect solution. The best part about an air filtration system is that it doesn’t just clear the air of pollutants that can cause allergy problems; it also clears your air of other things that can cause health problems for you and your family. The addition of UV lights can reduce potential mold and bacteria, help prevent the spread of infection from airborne viruses, and even reduce odors.

Another option is the newest development in air purifying technology: an air scrubber system. This new system is designed to eliminate indoor air quality risks by reducing pollutants such as chemical odors, cigarette smoke, dust, and odors caused by pets using a process inspired by natural air purifying that exists in nature. It uses germicidal UV lights combined with a catalytic process to create airborne oxidizers that are ionically charged to naturally eliminate pollutants in the air.

Of course there are plenty of additional things you can do in your home to further guarantee you’ll be free of annoying pollutants:

  • Vacuum regularly to get the allergens trapped in the carpet and maintain a regular cleaning schedule to keep dust and dander from settling.
  • Brush your pets every day and try to keep them off the furniture if possible.
  • Open windows to allow for fresh air circulation when you can.

Investing in a home air filtration system or an air scrubber system with UV lights, and keeping your home as clean as possible will keep you from dealing with the pollutants and allergens that can build up, especially during the cold winter months. Reduce allergies and keep your home happy and healthy.

For more information on air filtration systems in the home, contact the professionals at Sedgwick Heating & Cooling today.

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